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In Jeremiah 23:29 God compares His Word with “fire” and with a “hammer that breaks a rock in pieces”.

Nothing can withstand the power of the Word of God; no obstacle, no matter its size.

Therefore, whatever stands in your way today, no matter how insurmountable it appears to be, lay it down at the feet of Jesus. Leave it there as you continue with your daily task. Then, as you proceed in doing the things which your hand finds to do, you will notice these obstacles slowly disappearing: “The mountains melt like wax before the Lord, before the Lord of all the earth”. Ps. 97:5

Whatever the situation you find yourself in, stand firm on God’s promise that He “… will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus.” Phil. 4:19

If you allow Him to do so, he will not only thrash the mountains before you, but in doing so He will exceed your highest expectations.

Gerhard Papenfus
20 April 2020