NEASA lock-out: important facts
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NEASA lock-out: important facts

Jul 31, 2014




Dear NEASA member


In view of uncertainties expressed by employers, here are the facts regarding the lock-out:-




  • the agreement entered into by SEIFSA and trade unions only apply to them – nobody else;
  • this situation will remain until the Minister of Labour has extended the agreement;
  • NEASA will do everything in its power to convince the Minster that it is inappropriate for her to extend this SEIFSA/Trade Union agreement; and
  • should the Minister, notwithstanding our appeals, still extend, we will take the appropriate legal action.





  • the lock-out is legal; if NUMSA disagrees, they can attempt to proof that in a competent court;
  • the lock-out is a voluntarily arrangement; employers who do not wish to engage in lock-out action, do not have to; and
  • the lock-out will remain in place until NEASA's demands in these negotiations are met.





In the recently concluded negotiations the trade unions refused to address the demands that NEASA made since the commencement of the negotiations, namely a new entry level wage for new employees and a much improved exemptions dispensation in order to create flexibility. Apart from that, the 10% offer SEIFSA made to settle this dispute is unacceptable to the NEASA constituency. The Minister of Labour also facilitated the NUMSA/SEIFSA settlement without involving NEASA, the largest employer body in the council. This dispute, as far as NEASA and the unions are concerned, therefore remains unresolved.


We urge NEASA employer members not to engage with the unions directly, and to communicate via NEASA. We have prepared a pro forma letter which NEASA members may provide to unions wanting to engage employers on this issue.  Click here to download the document.


Kind Regards


Gerhard Papenfus


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