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MEIBC: (Non)Extension of Agreement

Nov 8, 2017








We often hear that SMMEs fear that Seifsa might eventually succeed in extending their agreement with Numsa to non-parties.


Let’s make this very clear; the only way that Seifsa can attempt to extend their agreement with Numsa, to non-parties, is to do it through unlawful means – with the help of their cartel partners – Numsa and the Department of Labour.


Let’s also make this clear; we will not allow this to happen. We will prevent any attempt of this nature through an urgent application in the Labour Court.


However, the mere fact that they will (again) attempt to repeat this unlawful (criminal) act, just confirms that the battle for the soul of this Industry has not been won:-


• the fight against the weed bedeviling your lawn is not won until there is not a single weed left;
• the fight against Seifsa will only be won once they (Seifsa) are so weakened that they have lost interest to even attempt to enforce their weak agreements on the rest of the Industry.



Seifsa is significantly weakened; but not weakened enough. When you listen carefully, you will hear a faint breathing; you’ll feel a weak pulse. That’s not enough though; we don’t want to see any signs of life – the Industry can’t afford this crop-bedeviling work of the Seifsa/Numsa/Department of Labour-cartel any longer.



How will we achieve final victory? Simply by getting the support of all the SMMEs in the Industry.


Here is the call to you, SMME employer:


• if you want to join this fight for Industry freedom, you can do so by joining NEASA;
• if you are already a NEASA member but wish to join the Steel Lobby, click here;
• if you want assistance to escape the Seifsa web, click here.



Never give in! Never give in! Never, never, never … In nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions or honor and good sense!

(Winston Churchill)


Kind regards


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