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National Bargaining Council for the Road Freight and Logistics Industries
Dear Industry Employer
The Council agreement regulating conditions of employment within the Road Freight Sector expires on 28 February 2019.
In order to engage in negotiations with the labour parties (‘labour’) to the Council we require a mandate from members in the sector which is twofold in nature:
The constitution of the Council currently stipulates that, after negotiations have been concluded, the Council cannot request the Minister of Labour to extend the agreement to non-parties if both the employers and ‘labour’ do not represent at least 33% of the Industry. ‘Labour’ does not currently meet this threshold and have requested that this provision should be deleted from the constitution to allow parties to enter into negotiations.
Should employers accede to this request, ‘labour’ have agreed to limit the definition of the Extended Bargaining Unit (EBU), to employees involved in the administration of the operations of road freight logistics, warehousing and fleet maintenance and who earn less than the Basic Conditions of Employment Act (BCEA) threshold. Therefore, employees not directly involved in these operations and whose job description is stipulated in the current EBU list of positions, will no longer be covered by the agreement.
It is, in any event, expected that the other employer party to the Council will vote in favour of this amendment, which will allow the vote to carry, as a refusal to do so may lead to industrial action due to a refusal to bargain.
Kindly indicate your response to this question, by no later than 10 May 2018, by clicking here.
In the event that negotiations do proceed, we require members to provide NEASA with issues to present as employer demands during the negotiations.
Kindly provide your demands, by no later than 10 May 2018, by clicking here.
Kind regards
Jaco Swart
National Collective Bargaining Coordinator