POPIA/PAIA: Information Regulator: New information forms for PAIA manuals
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POPIA/PAIA: Information Regulator: New information forms for PAIA manuals

Oct 17, 2023





Dear employer

On Tuesday, 10 October 2023, NEASA received an email and notice from the Information Regulator.

This notice is applicable to all businesses.

The notice states the following:

“The Minister of Justice and Correctional Services has, on 27 August 2021, gazetted the Regulations relating to the Promotion of Access to Information Act, 2021 (“PAIA Regulations”). In terms of PAIA Regulations, regulation 17(1) thereof, the following forms have been repealed-

  • Form A – Request for access to record of a public body;
  • Form B – Notice of Internal Appeal; and
  • Form C – Request for access to record of a private body.”

The Regulator has noticed that there are some private and public bodies that still have the abovementioned forms on their websites, and this is “hampering the right of access to information.” In accordance with the notice and the relevant PAIA regulations, all responsible parties are hereby requested to ensure that the following prescribed forms are uploaded on their websites or included in their PAIA Manuals, within 14 days of receipt or publication of this notice:

All businesses (private bodies) should download Form 02 and 03 and place them on their website.

All responsible parties must have a PAIA Manual.

For any POPIA/PAIA inquiries or compliance assistance, please contact your Regional NEASA Branch

For more information:
NEASA Media Department


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